Lecture 02 Installation & User Input Output

Lecture 02 Installation & User Input Output

2.1 Installation

In this step, we install MinGW and IDE for writing Program

2.2 Tokens in C++

In C++ has 4 typed tokens
Tokens in C++

2.2.1 Identifiers

Identifiers in C++

A C++ identifier is a name given to variable, Function, Class, Models, or any user-defined item.

For Example- Vikash is an identifier all people know me by my name Vikash so this is an identifier

1. Identifier Can Start from A to Z || a to z || _ || 0-9
2. Identifiers Can't Start From Punctuation Marks [! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ]
3. C++ is a Case Sensitive Language (A and a are Different)

2.2.2 Keywords

Keywords mean in C++ the same Keyword is already defended just like int, float, String, if, brack, and more.

The List of C++ Keywords

alignas (since C++11) double reinterpret_cast
alignof (since C++11) dynamic_cast requires (since C++20)
and else return
and_eq enum short
asm explicit signed
atomic_cancel (TM TS) export(1) sizeof(1)
atomic_commit (TM TS) extern(1) static
atomic_noexcept (TM TS) false static_assert (since C++11)
auto(1) float static_cast
bitand for struct(1)
bitor friend switch
bool goto synchronized (TM TS)
break if template
case import (modules TS) this
catch inline(1) thread_local (since C++11)
char int throw
char16_t (since C++11) long true
char32_t (since C++11) module (modules TS) try
class(1) mutable(1) typedef
compl namespace typeid
concept (since C++20) new typename
const noexcept (since C++11) union
constexpr (since C++11) not unsigned
const_cast not_eq using(1)
continue nullptr (since C++11) virtual
co_await (coroutines TS) operator void
co_return (coroutines TS) or volatile
co_yield (coroutines TS) or_eq wchar_t
decltype (since C++11) private while
default(1) protected xor
delete(1) public xor_eq
do register(2)

2.2.3 Operators 

Operators  in C++

Sysmble is operators & main 5 typed
1. Arithmetic operators
2. Assignment operators
3. Comparison operators
4. Logical operators
5. Bitwise operators

2.3 Data Types

There are 4 data types in C++
Data Types in C++

Give Same Suggestion